The Working Bear – Oxford

My old Travel Bear, Oxford has a new Job in Marketing 🙂

Plaisted Publishing

I’d like to introduce you to my new employee. Please welcome Oxford Bear. 


Oxford was born…bought on my 40th birthday while I was visiting Oxford in England. I’d been given a small teddy bear by my young children and sadly lost it. So with it being my birthday, I bought Oxford. He travelled everywhere with me. Still does. Though I’m slowing down now so I gave Oxford a job and he’s taken over my chair. Luckily I still have my desk.

I would sit in my recliner though Nero the cat seems to have decided it is his. He wasn’t happy to have his photo taken this time either. I must find a decent one.
P1000161Where to sit.  Well, Oxford and I came to a decision to share the chair. During his off time, he’s decided to sit on top of the printer instead. He…

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