The Importance of Book Covers

Of course, I had to post this on the wrong website…oops… This is from me as an author, not from Plaisted Publishing House…lol

Plaisted Publishing

I do wish the days of coloured hardbacks would return and get rid of the silly paperback covers which have to be so brilliant to get anyone to buy your book. I didn’t need an image on a cover to read a good book. I read the blurb/synopsis at the library or bookstore and …well read the book.

Now it’s all graphic design and it has to be a certain type for each book to be a winner and get sales. I hate this and I’ll tell you why.  I personally don’t want to see naked male chests on my book covers. It’s not me. The reader should be reading the story because of the enticing synopsis on the back.  

A lovely person gave me the link to Amazons top 100 books for a certain genre…it also linked into the top 100 FREE Books and since I was experimenting, I…

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